Trends And Typology Of Work Accidents In Greek Mariculture: The Role Of Gender

Ilias Tyligadas, Dimitirios Moutopoulos, M. Chatziefstathiou, M. Tsoumani, S. Anastasiou
2017 Zenodo  
Greek Mariculture has been rapidly expanded in the Eastern Mediterranean during the last 20 years leading the sector to an increase of both the number of fish farms and farmed fisheries production. The present study aims to: (a) investigate the trend of the work related accidents in the Mariculture Industry during the last five years (2009-2013), (b) create a typology on the types of injuries and their seasonal distribution and (c) seek potential correlations between changes in the trends of
more » ... types of injuries with the production line. Data were derived from European statistics for accidents at work during 2009-2013 and covered all fish farms in Greece. Results showed that fatal accidents represented an extremely low part of the total number of cases (3.6%) and the total number of accidents (fatal and injuries) was decreased through time. Work related injuries did not showed a seasonal pattern rather a high number of cases were marked at spotted periods during the year, whereas fatal accidents took place during spring. In contrast, there is daily pattern showing that a high number of accidents took place during 9am and 3pm. Time of accidents followed a stable pattern; more than 85% of the cases took place during 6 am and 3 pm. Description and determination for health and safety working conditions are serving as a reference base for further improvement of health and safety working conditions and provides a future tool for human resources and production managers for maximizing production and reducing work place hazards. This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.812816 fatcat:lukgiukzp5hjxiwkakheg5gi3m