The Steps Of Open Data Integration By National Bioscience Database Center (Nbdc) In Japan

Jun-Ichi Onami, Shigeru Yatsuzuka, Tomoe Nobusada, Katsuki Mori, Hideki Hatanaka, Toshihisa Takagi
2018 Zenodo  
National Bioscience Database Center (NBDC; was founded in 2011, as the Japanese central infrastructure for data repository and portal for open, reusable and integrated life science research data. We took over our mission from Integrated Database Project (2006-2010). For integration and usage promotion of life science databases scattered in many research institutes, we have conducted a lot of activities. To bring Japanese life science databases into compliance with
more » ... e FAIR principles, we have also released, expanded and sophisticated services by semantic web technology.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1455785 fatcat:e5n2pwfgojf3pfmqvml6r6mxba