Comparing gang scheduling with dynamic space sharing on symmetric multiprocessors using automatic self-allocating threads (ASAT)

C. Severance, R. Enbody
Proceedings 11th International Parallel Processing Symposium  
This work considers the best way to handle a diverse mix of multi-threaded and single-threaded jobs running on a single Symmetric Parallel Processing system. The traditional approaches to this problem are free scheduling, gang scheduling, or space sharing. This paper examines a less common technique called dynamic space sharing. One approach to dynamic space sharing, Automatic Self Allocating Threads (ASAT), is compared to all of the traditional approaches to scheduling a mixed load of jobs.
more » ... formance results for ASAT scheduling, gang scheduling, and free scheduling are presented. ASAT scheduling is shown to be the superior approach to mixing multi-threaded work with single threaded work.
doi:10.1109/ipps.1997.580911 dblp:conf/ipps/SeveranceE97 fatcat:oirgjp4iurhz5pfd5tikn5xqyi