An Improved Dispatch Strategy of a Grid-Connected Hybrid Energy System with High Penetration Level of Renewable Energy

Yan Zhang, Jie Meng, Bo Guo, Tao Zhang
2014 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
As more and more renewable energy sources (RES) integrated into the conventional distribution system, how to make the current electric grid more reliable and efficient is becoming an important topic the world must face. In order to achieve these goals, grid-connected hybrid energy systems (HES) which contain battery energy storage systems (BESS) and many other advanced technologies have been developed and applied. Many benefits of BESS, such as high density of energy and power, have fast
more » ... e in energy time-shift, frequency regulation, and so on. This paper focuses on the fluctuation alleviation and power quality improvement of grid-connected HES with high penetration level of RES. A multistage dispatch strategy of BESS for HES is proposed in this paper to mitigate the randomness and intermittence of the power flowed in HES because of high penetration level of RES integration. Four other conventional strategies are also discussed for evaluating the performance of the method proposed in this paper. Detailed cases and corresponding discussions are implemented, and the results show that the method proposed in this paper is more effective and robust than the other conventional strategies.
doi:10.1155/2014/602063 fatcat:p62tz2q72bhdfp2hgzxdecxh4y