A Study on US AI and Algorithm Regulatory Policy Analysis

Geun-Hye Kim, Kyu-Dong Park
2022 Journal of Next-generation Convergence Information Services Technology  
This study analyzes cases of AI technology and algorithm regulatory law and policy introduced by the US federal and state governments up to date. To this end, this study analyzed policies and legislation related to AI technology and algorithm regulation introduced by the US federal and state governments so far. We have four findings. First, the US administration tends to regulate AI technologies comprehensively. There is no agency that oversees AI-related regulations, and each department
more » ... rs and discusses individual regulatory tasks in various fields. Second, while laws restricting the use of specific AI technologies are not often enacted at the federal level, active discussions and legislation are taking place at the state level. Third, the federal government pays the most attention to AI development in terms of national security. Fourth, the state government tends to legislate regulations on a specific AI technology when negative public opinion on that technology is formed and the regulatory demand for that technology grows. This study examines the trends of AI law and policy in the United States, and shows a variety of meaningful policy approaches to AI regulatory policy.
doi:10.29056/jncist.2022.04.02 fatcat:ndeeocp56ndg7fxjqyr2mnnhai