Estimation of Marketing Cost, Marketing Efficiency and Constraints in Cauliflower Cultivation in Purnia District of Bihar, India

Supriya Anand, Mukesh Maurya, Suman Kumari, Shivangi Shimpy
2022 Journal of Experimental Agriculture International  
India is the 2nd largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world leading in several horticulture crops Mango, Litchi, Banana, Papaya, potato, tomato, brinjal, lady finger. Cauliflower is one of the veggies in the species of Brassica, its edible part is curd. It has inviting taste and rich source of minerals like potassium, sodium, phosphorous, iron, calcium and magnesium, Vitamin B and C, protein, carbohydrate and dietary fibers. With this view a study was conducted in Purnia district of
more » ... Bihar. The three channels are there channel I-Producer-Consumer where marketing efficiency is 25.33%, channel II-Producer-wholesaler-retailer-consumer where marketing efficiency is 3.64%, channel III – Producer-village trader-wholesaler-retailer-consumer where marketing efficiency is 3.51%, the main constraints of marketing was market was far from production point. The objective of the study is to estimate marketing cost, marketing efficiency and constraints in cauliflower cultivation.
doi:10.9734/jeai/2022/v44i1030878 fatcat:g6fbqdiekrag5dvvauoggz3ita