Life history of Bathyphantes simillimus (Araneae: Linyphiidae) in Stołowe Mountains, Poland

Justyna Rybak
2007 Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia - Series B Invertebrata  
RYBAK J. 2007. Life history of Bathyphantes simillimus (Araneae: Linyphiidae) in Sto³owe Mountains, Poland. Acta zoologica cracoviensia, 50B(2): 83-90. Abstract. The density, reproduction and life-cycle of Bathyphantes simillimus (L. KOCH 1879) were studied in the Sto³owe Mountains (Poland) where this species inhabits deep, sandstone rock crevices. Constant observations indicate that studied species has exceptional triennial life cycle where new individuals join the population in summer,
more » ... the following winter, grow, mature and breed throughout the next year, live through the next winter then breed again and die in the year following their second winter. The prolonged life cycle may be the result of adaptation to cooler environmental conditions.
doi:10.3409/000000007783995174 fatcat:rxrqmvrhczgnzbtxtcvyob4cw4