Acceleration of Bone Healing Factor by Electrical Stimulation. Vascular Architectonic Dynamics
微小電気刺激による骨再生促進効果の機序に関する研究 血管構築の動態

Gen Takahashi
1998 Nihon Hotetsu Shika Gakkai Zasshi  
This study was performed to investigate sequential vascular dynamics during bone regeneration by electrical stimulation. Osseous defects (cb 1.8 mm) were created in adult male Wistar rat femur. Osseous defects of groups A and B were covered with nonpoling or poling VDF/TrFE film, and osseous defects that received no film served as the control group. After 3, 5, 7, and 14 days, the vascularization was evaluated by SEM of the vascular corrosion cast and LM of transparent preparations by India ink
more » ... injection. The results were as follows: Osseous defects of the control group were supplied with elongation and anastomosis of newly-formed vasculature which derived from periosteum and bone marrow. Newly-formed vasculature in osseous defects
doi:10.2186/jjps.42.497 fatcat:75yg75t4lbev7dfp2dsdliftxy