Studies on Organ Lipoid Content of Murine Leprosy and Experimental Tuberculosis

1975 Repura  
Organ lipoid content of tuberculous giunea-pigs was compared with that of normal cases. The results were as follows. 1) The content of organ triglycerides in the tuberculous guinea-pigs generally showed a decreases. 2) This decrease was remarkable in the spleen, liver, and kidney. 3) The content of organ phospholipids in the tuberculous guinea-pigs generally showed an increase. 4) This increase was remarkable in the lung, spleen, and kidney. 5) The alteration of organ total cholesterol content
more » ... n the tuberculous guinea-pigs was not shown so remarkably as that of triglycerides and phospholipids, but a small decrease was shown in the liver and the lung.
doi:10.5025/hansen1930.44.3_137 pmid:785133 fatcat:y5s64atuobcq5gwu6dp55std2e