Forum: resilience & design

Robert Cowley, Clive Barnett, Tania Katzschner, Nathaniel Tkacz, Filip De Boeck
2017 Resilience - International Policies, Practices and Discourses  
This forum aims to encourage theorists of resilience to engage more closely with different aspects of design theory and practice. The introduction outlines a series of largely unacknowledged parallels between resilience and design, relating to the valorisation of processes over states, the loss of faith in 'planning', the ambivalent status of boundaries and interfaces, and open-ended political possibilities. Four short reflections then follow on various design-related topics: the significance
more » ... the 'wicked problem' in contemporary urban planning and design, and the urbanisation of responsibility; design's potential to repoliticise and engender new forms of responsibility; the significance of the digital interface; and the condition of everyday life in the 'unplanned' post-colonial city. Readers are invited to build on or refute the explicit and implicit links made between resilience and design in the various forum contributions.
doi:10.1080/21693293.2017.1348506 fatcat:dp53ce2pwbfmdks7spsszcy4ty