Satellite Image Georeferencing on the Base of Coastlines' Fuzzy Masks

Liliya Demidova, Victor Ushenkin, E.V. Nikulchev, O.N. Korsun
2017 MATEC Web of Conferences  
The article discusses the possibility of using fuzzy masks in the problem of image georeferencing according to electronic maps. A new approach to membership assessment of the image fragment in fuzzy mask has been suggested. Fuzzy masks have been compared with binary masks by the accuracy of coregistration of image fragments and coastlines extracted from electronic maps. It's shown that fuzzy masks allow taking into account brightness characteristics of water and land in different regions of the
more » ... Earth at different times of day and year. The results of experimental studies confirm the efficiency of the offered approach to image georeferencing based on the fuzzy masks.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/20179903003 fatcat:snzwvlhvpvgnrbksjcuhzkmzre