Jezik likova u Vodolazkinovom Brisbaneu / The Language of Characters in Vodolazkin's Brisbane

Amela Ljevo-Ovčina
2021 Radovi Filozofskog fakulteta u Sarajevu  
The paper analyzes the linguistic features of literary characters in the novel Bisbane by contemporary Russian author Yevgeny Vodolazkin. His way of underlining pronunciation, use of vocabulary with dialectal, social and individual linguistic features is considered. The language characteristics of individual characters are largely determined by their bilingualism of Russian and Ukrainian, so many examples of switching language codes have been noted. The extent to which the language of the
more » ... ters reflects the sociolinguistic situation in the country where the action of this novel takes place is carefully researched.
doi:10.46352/23036990.2021.48 fatcat:gfvj2o4izfg4hgvoyfpdpsapku