Analogy between electro-magnetic waves in cold unmagnetized plasma and shallow water inertio-gravity waves in geophysical systems

E. Heifetz, L. R. M. Maas, J. Mak, I. Pomerantz
2021 Journal of Physics Communications  
The fundamental dispersion relation of transverse electro-magnetic waves in a cold collisionless plasma is formally equivalent to the two-dimensional dispersion relation of inertio-gravity waves in a rotating shallow water system, where the Coriolis frequency can be identified with the plasma frequency, and the shallow water gravity wave phase speed plays the role of the speed of light. Here we examine this equivalence and compare between the propagation wave mechanisms in these seemingly unrelated physical systems.
doi:10.1088/2399-6528/ac3eec fatcat:t7geuyyw7jfalcg27qck4bbnrm