Study on Flexural Bearing Capacity Calculation Method of Enclosure Pile with Partial Excision in Deep Foundation Pit

Mingfeng Lei, Linghui Liu, Yuexiang Lin, Jin Li
2019 Advances in Civil Engineering  
During deep foundation pit construction, the structural clearance intrusion, which is caused by the complex formation conditions and the inefficient drilling equipment, is usually detected due to the vertical deviation of piles. To meet construction requirements, pile parts intruding into the structural clearance are supposed to be excised. However, the sectional flexural strength of the pile is bound to decrease with partial excision, which would reduce the bearing capacity of the enclosing
more » ... ucture during construction. In this paper, a theoretical derivation of the normal sectional flexural strength of the partially excised circular pile is proposed. The derivation adopts the assumption of the plane section and steel ring equivalence and can be solved by the bisection method. Furthermore, the calculation method is applied to the pile evaluation of a practical engineering; also, the method is verified by the numerical method. The application results show that the excision of rebar and pile's sectional area will cause a rapid linear decline in the sectional flexural strength. After excising 18 cm radial thickness of the circular pile (ϕ800 mm) and 6 longitudinal rebars, the sectional flexural strength of the pile decreases to 58% from the origin, which cannot meet the support requirement. The analysis indicates that pile reinforcements must be carried out to maintain the construction safety.
doi:10.1155/2019/4812857 fatcat:3r4xlrcwa5dj7j6h7buivg2gxa