Physical and Mechanical Properties of Dehydrated Cake Discharged from Crushed Stone Quarry

Mariko SUZUKI, Hirohito SAITO, Takeju MATSUKA, Haruhiko MATSUSHITA, Kazuya INOUE
2020 Transactions of The Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Rural Engineering  
Most of dehydrated cake which was generated by turbid water treatment of the process for making crushed stone and crushed sand is subjected to landfill disposal. The effective use of dehydrated cake discharged from crushed stone quarry is required to relieve the tightness of the residual capacities of disposal sites and to secure limited natural resources. In this study, a dehydrated cake discharged from crushed stone quarry with excellent caking properties was examined to see if it can be used
more » ... for soil materials, such as impermeable materials. In addition, physical and mechanical tests were conducted on the dehydrated cake, and then its properties were compared with those of commonly used cohesive soils. It was found that the dehydrated cake had significantly different properties from those of general cohesive soils, and it also did not match the mechanical properties of general compacted soils. Thus, it was concluded that the dehydrated cake cannot be handled based on the commonly used soil standards. In addition, it was found that reducing the water content and adjusting the particle size are effective in increasing the strength of dehydrated cake and that reducing the water content is particularly effective.
doi:10.11408/jsidre.88.i_179 fatcat:6ctj7zkpobaiziknv33hameya4