Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Regarding Varicella Vaccination among Health Care Providers Participating in the Varicella Active Surveillance Project, Antelope Valley, California, 2005

Tina Carbajal, Rachel Civen, Meredith Reynolds, Sandra S. Chaves, Laurene Mascola
2008 Journal of Infectious Diseases  
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding varicella vaccination and disease were assessed among health care providers participating in the Varicella Active Surveillance Project in Antelope Valley, California, in 2005. Compared with those of a similar survey conducted in 1999, results suggest a reduction in concerns about vaccine safety and efficacy. Routine assessment of adolescents for varicella susceptibility was reported by 87% of respondents, but only 42% reported routine assessment of
more » ... dults. Several respondents were unaware that disease in a vaccinated person is infectious, and some did not know the vaccination recommendations pertaining to susceptible health care workers, suggesting a need for provider education on these issues.
doi:10.1086/522143 pmid:18419412 fatcat:l7lf2sqt45aoxitmwjqnladpiu