A comparison between the European and the US mutual fund industry

Rogér Otten, Mark Schweitzer
2002 Managerial Finance  
In this study we analyze the development and performance of the European mutual fund industry and compare it with the industry in the United States, using the traditional structure-conduct-performance (SCP) paradigm. We find that Europe is still lagging the American mutual fund industry when it comes to total asset size, average fund size, and market importance. Furthermore, it appears that a few large domestic fund groups dominate the mutual fund markets in the individual European countries.
more » ... e performance of domestic equity funds is tested using a data set containing the main European countries and the United States. The most striking results of these performance tests are the relative poor performance of U.S. funds, compared to the European funds, and the outperformance of small cap mutual funds.
doi:10.1108/03074350210767627 fatcat:sbh6dho7lvffliw2yoavugi6ym