Raquel Santos Monte Queiroz, Francisco Carlos Mattos B. de Oliveira, Mirna Albuquerque Frota
2022 Open Science Research  
Given the revolution brought by smartphones, we here propose an application developed for adolescents, which counts on educational content about reproductive planning. The application contains playful, interactive and customized characteristics that allows the participation of a team of health professionals in school environment. We aim at describing the conception, construction and validation process of an application type technology developed to support the construction of knowledge related
more » ... sexual and reproductive health in adolescents in order to reduce risk behaviors and unplanned pregnancy in the long term. Methods: It is a methodological study focused on having the application validated by specialists. Eleven appraisers participated in the debate. Fique Alerta presents the following features: educational videos, text messages, quizzes, debate forum, social sharing, question tree and friends. Results: The appraisers assessed the application and gave the global Content Validity Index (CVI) of 0.70 to it. The qualitative assessment showed that 1) the contents should involve the male universe; 2) that appearance and relevance should contemplate contents to facilitate the use of contraceptives; 3) and that health professional should anticipate risk behaviors in adolescents. Conclusion: Based on the appraisers' assessment, the application can be a potential educational tool to engage adolescents in sexually appropriate contents.
doi:10.37885/220107457 fatcat:3x47lqw375grpgtzd7owyaa73i