A q-Analogue of the Bi-Periodic Fibonacci Sequence

José Ramírez, Víctor Sirvent
2016 Journal of Integer Sequences   unpublished
The Fibonacci sequence has been generalized in many ways. One of them is defined by the relation t n = at n−1 + t n−2 if n is even, and t n = bt n−1 + t n−2 if n is odd, with initial values t 0 = 0 and t 1 = 1, where a and b are positive integers. This sequence is called the bi-periodic Fibonacci sequence. In the present article, we introduce a q-analog of the bi-periodic Fibonacci sequence, and prove several identities involving this sequence. We also give a combinatorial interpretation of
more » ... q-analog bi-periodic Fibonacci sequence in terms of weighted colored tilings.