Analysis of dense coregistration methods applied to optical and SAR time-series for ice flow estimations

Laurane Charrier, Pierre Godet, Clement Rambour, Flora Weissgerber, Simon Erdmann, Elise Colin Koeniguer
2020 2020 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf20)  
This article considers the application of two dense coregistration algorithms to the estimation of ice flow. These algorithms estimate displacements at each pixel of the image and can be applied to pairs of radar, optical and radar/optical images. This flexibility combined with the dense estimation should improve both spatial and temporal resolutions of glacier displacement maps. Several tests are carried out on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images on Totten glacier in Antarctica. We assess the
more » ... ability of the considered algorithms by applying them to real and emulated pairs of images based on displacement fields previously estimated in the literature.
doi:10.1109/radarconf2043947.2020.9266643 fatcat:pzlz37gsyjc4ragih6zzwgsnua