Introduction of a collaborative quality improvement program in the French cystic fibrosis network: the PHARE-M initiative

Dominique Pougheon Bertrand, Guy Minguet, Pierre Lombrail, Gilles Rault
2018 Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases  
An agreement, signed in 2007 by the 49 French Cystic Fibrosis Centers, included a commitment to participate, within the next 5 years, in a care quality assessment and improvement program (QIP). The objective was to roll out in the French Cystic Fibrosis (CF) care network a QIP adapted from the US program for Accelerating Improvement in Cystic Fibrosis Care developed by The Dartmouth Institute Microsystem Academy (TDIMA) and customized by the US CF Foundation between 2002 and 2013.
doi:10.1186/s13023-017-0745-7 pmid:29799384 pmcid:PMC6225603 fatcat:ztk422b3jjf4rjgpvv2vsetph4