Directions in the development of business tourism in Poland

Maciej Abram, Malgorzata Sleboda
2016 Ecocycles  
Business tourism in Poland has been developing since the 1990s, when the political regime changed. It is one of the many areas that have been subject to change after the historic year of 1989. However, it gained greater importance in the 21st century. There are several basic factors which have a significant impact on the development of the business tourism and the size of the supply and demand in this field of services. They are not only applicable on the Polish market, but also in the entire
more » ... rope and globally. The basic and most frequently mentioned include economic, political, social and technical factors. These determinants can be classified into two groups: macro-economic factors and regional factors (typically associated with a given destination). Poland was one of the few countries which was characterised by economic development in the last difficult years of crisis. Our country did not experience negative economic growth throughout those years. Thanks to these positive economic indicators, it was possible to keep tourism stable, both in traditional and business tourism. Poland is still a so called "emerging market" that is attractive and new direction of business travel. Therefore, the brand of Polish business tourism product should be built based on this interest.
doi:10.19040/ecocycles.v2i1.52 fatcat:udvvt2fki5hs7abquttb7g3ot4