N. Nykonenko
2020 Zenodo  
The article examines the US history of special education and the features of the organization of inclusive education in the public schools of the country. In the early twentieth century Elizabeth E. Farrell implemented the idea to educate underachieving children gathered in one ungraded class in the public school, which later became a standard rule, obtained financial support from the government, and was called «special education in the public schools». The principal instructional requirement
more » ... s to ensure maximum access to the content of the general education curriculum through individualized learning. The importance of legislative endorsement of community initiatives is emphasized in the article. Since 1975 due to the adoption of «The Education for All Handicapped Children Act» (now known as «The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act») a mandatory legislative obligation to provide free, appropriate public education in the least restricted environment for all children with disabilities ages 3-21 was introduced and funded. It is emphasized that US inclusion could be both full and partial, unlike in Ukraine. Six possible ways of gaining special education for students with special educational needs are described in detail. It is noted that the beginning of the XXI century is characterized by inclusion quality intensification, which has been a significant impetus for the provision of access to general education for special education students. The Adequate Yearly Progress report provides information on the academic achievements on reading and mathematics of all students in the school. Due to the fact that some severely disabled students cannot pass these tests, since 2015 each state has a possibility to simplify tests for them. The study of the peculiarities of [...]
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3614615 fatcat:55l7krzt2ffj3cjcfz7f4n2oti