The Influence of Self Esteem and Job Stress on Employees Performance by Job Satisfaction as An Intervening Variable in PT Binor Karya Mandiri Paiton Probolinggo

Nailin Nikmatul Maulidiyah
2019 Journal of Management Info  
The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of self esteem and job stress on employees performance and the role of job satisfaction as an intervening variable in PT Binor Karya Mandiri Paiton Probolinggo. The populations of this research are all employees in PT Binor Karya Mandiri Paiton Probolinggo, amounting to 71 people. The sample in this study is the entire population or by using census methods. The type of this reseach is explanatory research. Path Analysis has treated as
more » ... he data analysis in research. The result of this study shows that self esteem has a positive and significance influence toward job satisfaction and employees performance , job stress has a negative and significance influence toward job satisfaction and employees performance , job satisfaction has a positive and significance influence toward employees performance, self esteem has a positive influence toward employees performance through the job satisfaction of the employees in PT Binor Karya Mandiri Paiton Probolinggo, job stress has a negative influence toward employees performance through the job satisfaction of the employees in PT Binor Karya Mandiri Paiton Probolinggo.
doi:10.31580/jmi.v6i1.490 fatcat:albjeaq6ebg2hbq77g3lvrsc4u