Artificial life evolution in a simplified APL2 environment

Manuel Alfonseca
2000 Proceedings of the international conference on APL-Berlin-2000 conference - APL '00  
Artifidal life based on simulation evolution is a flourishing field. One o£ its most publicized achieveznents of the nineties was TIF_,ILRA, by T.S. Ray. APL2 has been used successfully to implement a simiLar simpler awdficial life application that shows most of the interesting features of TI~.RRA in an efficient way, providing a modifiable environment where it is easy to experiment. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use Is granted
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doi:10.1145/570475.570476 dblp:conf/apl/Alfonseca00 fatcat:lfhaxm4q65hotb6fsovw646aba