Cognitive metaphor as the background for actualization of evaluative content of concept TERRORISM

O. Zhulavska
2018 Science and Education a New Dimension  
The problems of actualization of evaluative content through various kinds of metaphors in concepts in general and in concept TERRORISM are investigated in this article. Great attention is payed to the cognitive metaphors, its main function and duality of their nature is studied in detail. Application of the mapping process for the formation of cognitive metaphors is explained. Language metaphor and its components are studied on the examples of the notions, comprising concept TERRORISM.
more » ... al metaphors are examined, grounding on the ways of perception of events, actions, emotions, ideas and appealing to the human experience. Researches, proving that this kind of metaphors comprise the major part of TERRORISM metaphors was held.
doi:10.31174/send-ph2018-177vi52-19 fatcat:5cv4hf5r6vdxrk3mn3jfx7nblq