Mini track: 'e-government services' (cluster: e-government)

H. Bruecher, R. Klischewski, H.J. Scholl
2004 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the  
E-government services is an emerging field rapidly gaining attention and importance. Citizens expect and demand governmental services matching private-sector services in every aspect of quality, quantity, and availability in a 24/7 and year-round fashion. Local, state, and federal agencies all over the world are deploying information systems and services that have the capacity to meet these emerging and expanding service needs and demands of citizens and other "clients". However, governments
more » ... struggling to meet these expectations especially under intensified cost pressures. Research to guide development, management and evaluation of egovernment services is still in its infancy. Tested concepts and well-understood practices are in short supply. This minitrack presents research papers addressing the characteristics, development, implementation, and uses of e-government services and systems.
doi:10.1109/hicss.2004.1265311 fatcat:l2l7qc6uc5haxen273pmwhon3y