Reconsidering the Role of Corporate R&D:

Tomohiro YANAGI
2020 Transactions of the Academic Association for Organizational Science  
The purpose of this research is to discuss new role of corporate R&D in the era of open innovation. From 1990's many companies have started to reduce their investment in corporate R&D and seek for new ideas outside the company. In contrast, Hitachi has restructured their corporate R&D in 2011 and 2015 to strongly enhance the capability to collaborate with universities and research institutions. This paper clarifies key success factors for corporate R&Ds to acquire the collaboration capability
more » ... d promote open innovation, through the analysis of Hitachi's reorganization process.
doi:10.11207/taaos.9.1_120 fatcat:h3rrwz5rnngydddkp2t2p7kohm