Exploring the Data Stream Size using ICBMI and CBMI Algorithm

P. Logeshwari
2019 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
ICBMI and CBMIboth the algorithms react to changes in the data stream. By entering the second part of the Dataset, as the concept changes, the ICBMI gradually reduces the average of the data stream sizes while the CBMI abruptly reduces the data stream size to remove the obsolete transactions and their effects on the mining result. At this point, for the ICBMI, the average of data stream sizes now contains both these concepts. In fact the ICBMI, for some Missing Data, therefore the max frequency
more » ... data streams reside in both new and old parts of the Dataset because it considers the complete history of the input stream and does not completely discard the previous concept.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2019.6430 fatcat:54roqmlc6bb4xci5jbsmrwge2i