CATS: Collection and Analysis of Tweets Made Simple

Ciprian-Octavian Truica, Adrien Guille, Michael Gauthier
2016 Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion - CSCW '16 Companion  
Twitter presents an unparalleled opportunity for researchers from various fields to gather valuable and genuine textual data from millions of people. However, the collection process, as well as the analysis of these data require different kinds of skills (e.g. programing, data mining) which can be an obstacle for people who do not have this background. In this paper we present CATS, an open source, scalable, Web application designed to support researchers who want to carry out studies based on
more » ... weets. The purpose of CATS is twofold: (i) allow people to collect tweets (ii) enable them to analyze these tweets thanks to efficient tools (e.g. event detection, named-entity recognition, topic modeling, wordclouds). What is more, CATS relies on a distributed implementation which can deal with massive data streams.
doi:10.1145/2818052.2874320 dblp:conf/cscw/TruicaGG16 fatcat:rxfghsg4srfdzd5jqcmafiedia