Analysis of the Friction Characteristics of Parking Brake for Large Size Excavator
대형 굴삭기용 주차 브레이크의 마찰 특성 분석

Y.B. Lee, K.M. Kim
2012 Journal of the Korea Society For Power System Engineering  
Abstract:The parking brake is one of the essential units embedded in track driving motor for forward and backward motion of an excavator. It is composed of multi-friction discs. When the hydraulic motor stops, the multi-friction discs closely stick to the facing discs by acting of multi-spring forces. So, the friction forces generate the braking force by compressing the cylinder barrel of hydraulic motor. In this study, we combined the multi-friction discs to two kinds of spring which have
more » ... rent spring force. and the maximum torque measured at the rotational starting point of hydraulic motor through gradually increasing the rotational torque of load side hydraulic motor by use of 1 and 2 sheets of friction plates. And, under this experimental condition, the maximum coefficient of static friction and the characteristics of paper friction sheet were analyzed. The obtained experimental results will be applied to the design of parking brake system for producing large size excavator in the 85-ton weight class. Y. B. Lee(corresponding author) :
doi:10.9726/kspse.2012.16.2.005 fatcat:mibfvf4nlfcq3oylhp2sm5ma6u