Quality of Semimanufactured Rabbit Meat Products as a Factor Developing the System of their Positioning

L Molokanova, Y Lukomskiy
2014 The Advanced Science Journal  
It is difficult to overestimate the importance of proper nutrition. According to various reports, the dependence of human health from nutrition amounts to 60-80 per cent. Analysis of the structure of food products consumption in Ukraine allowed us to come to the conclusion about the imbalance dict. The main criteria of this non-correspondence is the lack of protein (especially of animal origin), the excess of calories from fats and carbohydrates, as well as the lack of specific nutrients such
more » ... vitamins and minerals. In spite of the continuous expansion of the market and the increase of the population purchasing power, the negative trends continue to remain. This problem is not only of a national but also of a worldwide scale. This fact motivates different experts to find out ways for satisfaction of the population needs through the assortment optimization.
doi:10.15550/asj.2014.02.062 fatcat:lito2f4rujcjzndlmdjbbhzi7a