Impact of various teaching tools on learning in Pharmacology: a crosssectional study among second year M.B.B.S students

Dr Meghna Shinde
2018 Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research  
Our study aims to assess and compare the impact of teaching tools like chalk and talk method and power point presentation on different areas of learning in pharmacology. Methods: This cross sectional questionnaire based survey was done on 100 second prof MBBS students. The questionnaire included set of questions about different areas of learning in pharmacology and their preference of teaching tools against each question. Result: Majority of the students preferred chalk and talk method as the
more » ... st interesting, interactive and concept building teaching tool in pharmacology. For learning various parts of a chapter, students preferred both chalk and talk method and power point presentation. Conclusion: Chalk and talk method emerged as the most efficient and powerful learning tool in pharmacology in our study. Power point presentation should be used as an add on and not as a substitute of chalk and talk method.
doi:10.18535/jmscr/v6i1.184 fatcat:p43mxs5m45erjhawhauqmt4tku