Indocyanine Green Fluorescence in Colorectal Cancer [chapter]

Elvis Vargas, Cesar Ginesta
2020 Colorectal Cancer [Working Title]  
Fluorescence vision using indocyanine green is a surgical tool with increasing applications in colorectal cancer surgery. This tool has received acceptance in several disciplines as a potential method to improve visualization of the surgical field, improve lymph node resection and decrease the incidence of anastomotic leaks (ALs). In colorectal surgery specifically, some studies have shown that intraoperative fluorescence imaging is a safe and feasible method to evaluate anastomotic perfusion,
more » ... nd its use could affect the incidence of anastomotic leaks. Currently, controlled trials are carried out to validate these conclusions, as well as new indications for indocyanine green such as detection and guidance in the management of hepatic colorectal metastases, visualization of ureters and even as tumor marking and improvement the lymph node harvest of early tumors. These advances could offer great value to surgeons and patients, by improving the accuracy and results of cancer resections.
doi:10.5772/intechopen.94375 fatcat:fn3imhzv3bcehkacxa6onpzxiu