X-ray spectroscopy of multicharged xenon ions at the EBIT plasma

D Banaś, Ł Jabłoński, P Jagodziński, A Kubala-Kukuś, D Sobota, M Puchała, M Pajek
2015 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
Electron recombination with multicharged ions via chaotic many-electron states J C Berengut, V V Flambaum, V A Dzuba et al. - The EBIT Quest for Better Transition Synopsis X-ray spectra of multicharged xenon ions created in an electron-beam ion trap (EBIT) were measured both with a low-resolution silicon drift detector (SDD) and a high-resolution Johann/Johannson type crystal diffraction spectrometer. The measurement were performed in the electron-beam ion source (EBIS) using the transmission,
more » ... eaky and pulsed modes of the ion source operation with trapped xenon ions excited by an electron beams of energies 9-15 keV. Moreover, the dynamics and equilibration of the EBIT plasma was studied by measuring the X-ray spectra for different electron energies and trapping times. The results will be discussed using available theoretical models describing the atomic processes in the EBIT plasma.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/635/5/052092 fatcat:ybyo5hsn5zerxbwpd3znfq2xr4