Pure Endoscopic Excision of Parenchymal Brain Tumors: Feasibilty, Risks, Advantages and Realities - A Beginners Perspective

Manish Budhiraja, Ashis Pathak, Harmandeep Brar, Rahat Brar
2020 Brazilian Neurosurgery  
Background Neuroendoscopy is gaining popularity and is reaching new realms. Young neurosurgeons are exploring the various possibilities associated with the use of neuroendoscopy. Neuroendoscopy in excision of parenchymal brain tumors is less explored, and young neurosurgeons should be aware of the realities. The present article is an approach to put forward the difficulties faced by a young neurosurgeon and the lessons learnt. Objective To report the experience of surgical excision of
more » ... l brain tumors, in selected cases, using pure endoscopic approach and to discuss its feasibility, technical benefits, risks and comparison with conventional microscopic excision. Method Eight patients of variable age group with parenchymal brain tumors were operated upon by a single surgeon and followed up for a period varying from 6 months to 2 years. Data regarding operating time, illumination, clarity of the field, size of craniotomy, blood loss and course of recovery was evaluated. All of the tumors were resected using rigid high definition zero and 30° endoscope. Results Out of eight cases, seven had lesions in the supratentorial and one in the infratentorial location. The age group ranged from 27 to 74 years old. Near to gross total resection was achieved in all except two cases. All of the patients recovered well without any significant morbidity or mortality. Hospital stay was reduced by 1 day on average. Conclusion Excision of parenchymal brain tumors via pure endoscopic method is a safe and efficient procedure. Although there is an initial period of learning curve, it is not steep for those already practicing neuroendoscopy, but the approach has its advantages.
doi:10.1055/s-0040-1702975 fatcat:k54zjdmegjcbhbimzohl3amhhm