Brief review: delirium

Evan Schmitz, Jack Vu
2014 Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care  
A significant number of patients develop a decline in cognitive function while hospitalized. Delirium in the intensive care increases mortality and healthcare costs and should be recognized and treated promptly (1,2). This is a brief review of delirium and important treatment options such as early percutaneous tracheostomy, neuroleptics, propofol, daily awakenings and reorientation by all team members. We recommend neither neuroimaging nor neurology consultation unless physical exam suggests an
more » ... acute cerebral vascular accident or status epilepticus as the majority of these patients require no neurologic intervention and may be harmed by transportation to obtain additional testing.
doi:10.13175/swjpcc166-14 fatcat:qi7au767mrgwtlokjqvfp4cgou