Environment Recognition Based on Human Actions Using Probability Networks

Hiroshi Miki, Atsuhiro Kojima, Koichi Kise
2008 2008 Second International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking  
To realize context aware applications for smart home environments, it is necessary to recognize function or usage of objects as well as categories of them. On conventional research for environment recognition in an indoor environment, most of previous methods are based on shape models. In this paper, we propose a method for recognizing objects focused on the relationship between human actions and functions of objects. Such relationship becomes obvious on human action patterns when he or she
more » ... les an object. To estimate object categories by using action patterns, we represent such relationship in Dynamic Bayesian Networks (DBNs). By learning human actions toward objects statistically, objects can be recognized. Finally, we performed experiments and confirmed that objects can be recognized from human actions without shape models.
doi:10.1109/fgcn.2008.62 dblp:conf/fgcn/MikiKK08 fatcat:rc2mxah46ndtjmztteh3qjzncu