The Use of groups for well-child care

Lucy Morin Osborn
A controlled study was conducted to examine the use of groups for well-child care in the office setting. Group visits were compared to traditional visits by assessing the efficiency, efficacy, content and process of v'isits as well as patient satisfaction. The group method was efficient, requiring no more provider time per pair than individual visits. The group method effectively changed the process and content of the well-child visits and was acceptable to the sample population. While few
more » ... es in health care utilizations were found, mothers in the experimental group completed more well-child visits and. sought less advice between visits than mothers in the control group. The group method offers an alternative method of care which is noteworthy of further investigation and implementation.
doi:10.26053/0h-g41e-0xg0 fatcat:qxcyhkezebc3xgszxjxh3t3bqm