Electro-Optic Transparent Films Prepared by Aerosol Deposition

Masafumi NAKADA
2007 Earozoru Kenkyu/Journal of Aerosol Research  
We developed functional oxide films with a large electro-optic(EO)effect for use in very small, low-power EO conversion devices. We have applied an aerosol deposition(AD) to form lead oxide films with a perovskite structure. (Pb, La) (Zr,Ti)O 3 films were deposited and systematically studied in terms of optical and EO properties. Transparent films with a large EO effect, which have acceptable transmittance loss level for use as optical devices, were obtained. In this report, we summarize recent
more » ... progress and future prospects on AD for optical devices application.
doi:10.11203/jar.22.20 fatcat:cdco3evvzbgcpdm6uqsfftsggi