A Study on the Development Process of Land Readjustment Projects in Ko-Hoku New Town

Kazuhiro Arakawa, Fukuo Akimoto
2003 Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan  
The large portion of Ko-Hoku New Town has been developed through land readjustment projects by Japan Housing Corporation ( now Japan Urban Development Corporation), that cover the area of 1,316 hectare and was planned for two hundred twenty thousands people. During the period of twenty two years from the first authorization of its development plan in 1974 through its land disposition in 1996, its development plan has been modified nine times. This paper divides the entire development process
more » ... o three stages and analyzes development plans, infrastructure development programs, and land development program, as well as behaviors of the stakeholders: the Corporation, Yokohama City Government, and local landowners at each stage, to show the primary factors influencing the process.
doi:10.11361/reportscpij.1.1_54 fatcat:erthqhyeozau7irlaeiwoadvpe