Students' Perception of Causes and Effects of Examination Malpractice in the Nigerian Educational System: The Way Forward for Quality Education

Janet Sunday Petters, Maureen O. Okon
2014 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
In an attempt to study the perception of university students on the causes and effects of examination malpractices in Nigerian Educational System, two research questions were raised and analysed for possible answers using a survey research design method. Four hundred university students were randomly selected from the research area. A questionnaire consisting of twenty-five (25) items was constructed, and duly validated by the researchers for the study. The results obtained from the study
more » ... ted that a test-retest reliability index ranging from 0.77 to 0.85 were feasible. It was also indicative that societal preference for paper qualification, lack of positive self concept, lack of effective study skills, inadequate preparation andlaziness are some of the causes of examination malpractice among university students. The identified effects included discouragement of candidates from studying hard, denial of admission to deserving students, underachievement in labour market and overall reduction in quality of education. Based on this, it was concluded that personal and societal factors could cause examination malpractice and the society is likely to suffer from low productivity because of this malaise, examination malpractice.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.12.671 fatcat:5wd2xpsjfrbqnhhlie4its4aje