An Efficient AC Algorithm with GPU

Liang Hu, Zhen Wei, Feng Wang, Xiaolu Zhang, Kuo Zhao
2012 Procedia Engineering  
Pattern matching algorithm is the basis of information biology as well as information retrieval research field. As far as the current computing capability of CPU is concerned, it may hardly satisfy the demand in terms of system realtime when faced by a large amount of data. Due to the enormous computing potential of GPU, various efforts have been made for the computing task migration to GPU with given application programs. In this paper, we present an AC Multi-pattern matching algorithm based
more » ... GPU with the parallelization of traditional algorithm based on CPU, and the matching efficiency may be significantly improved due to the high performance parallel processing capability of GPU. Experimental results show our proposed scheme achieved a better speed-up compared to the original one.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2012.01.652 fatcat:rrre6h2eyfa3xk5w5mcrpnsbgu