Spoof surface plasmon polaritons realized by unidirectional carbon fibers arrays and applications in structure/function integrated sandwich structure

Wei Jiang, Hua Ma, Jiafu Wang, Jiaheng Yang, Leilei Yan, Ya Fan, Shaobo Qu
2020 Results in Physics  
In this paper, the idea of spoof surface plasmon polaritons (SSPPs) realized by unidirectional carbon fibers (CFs) arrays are proposed and investigated. A structure/function integrated sandwich structure (SISS) with excellent microwave absorption and mechanical properties was designed. It is composed of two corrugation layers with gradient CFs arrays between them. According to our research, the absorption performance can be modulated by adjusting structure parameters. As the corrugation angle
more » ... creases, the absorption performance becomes better whether in normal or oblique incidence. In addition, compression tests were also performed and the results indicate that this proposal can realize a higher compressive strength at a lower sandwich core density. The compressive strength is more than 3 times comparing with 304 stainless steel (SS) corrugation when the core density is 0.25 g/cm 3 . This structure/function integrated design is more competitive in practical applications comparing with other metamaterials topologies. Design principles Non-gradient CFs arrays Non-gradient CFs arrays were investigated firstly in order to explain https://doi.
doi:10.1016/j.rinp.2020.103081 fatcat:q646faqcffh7hfbc7ud7vif5ne