A New Unified Solution for Circular Tunnels Based on Generalized SMP Criterion considering the Strain Softening and Dilatancy

Qifeng Guo, Jiliang Pan, Xinghui Wu, Xun Xi, Meifeng Cai
2019 Advances in Civil Engineering  
According to the strain-softening characteristics of rock mass, an ideal elastic strain-softening model is developed, and the surrounding rock of tunnels is subdivided into the plastic broken zone, plastic strain-softening zone, and elastic zone. Based on the generalized spatially mobilized plane criterion, an elastic-plastic analytical solution of a circular tunnel is derived. The effects of intermediate principal stress, strain softening, and dilatancy are considered in the unified solution.
more » ... he stress, displacement, and plastic zone radius of surrounding rock based on the SMP criterion are compared with those based on the Mohr–Coulomb criterion. Furthermore, the effects of parameters such as the softening modulus, dilatancy angle, and internal friction angle on the deformation and stress of tunnels are discussed. It has been found that the larger the dilatancy angle is, the larger the plastic zone displacement and the radius of the broken zone are. The larger the internal friction angle, the smaller the sizes of the plastic zone, the strain-softening zone, and the broken zone are. The deformation of surrounding rock in the broken zone is more sensitive to the internal friction angle than that in the strain-softening zone. The unified solution based on the SMP criterion provides a well understanding for the elastic-plastic state of tunnels, which can be the guidance for tunnel excavations and support designs.
doi:10.1155/2019/1684707 fatcat:6v3rpl4u3zb2bb7k7nju5yojai