The Influences of Organizational Culture on Performance Management

Alicia Lorraine Dorai Ponnu, Zubair Hassan
2015 International Journal of Accounting and Business Management  
This study investigates the influence of organizational culture on performance management in insurance industry. Based on the work of Goffee, Jones, O'Reilly, Chatman and Caldwell a structured questionnaire was developed and distributed and data are collected from 100 employees at Zurich Insurance Malaysia using convenience sampling techniques. This study used five variables to measure organizational culture: adaptive perspective, communal, network, mercenary and fragmented culture. The results
more » ... showed that there is an association or relationship between organizational cultures on performance management. The findings also showed that different types of organizational culture have different levels of acceptance of performance management. This means that certain type of organizational culture is acceptable and instills to improve performance. The results show that there is a significant and positives correlation between organizational cultures and performance management. Future studies may consider more insurance based organization to generalize the finding throughout the insurance industry. Also this study can be conducted on other sectors as well with some modification on the variable use to measure organizational culture.
doi:10.24924/ijabm/2015.04/v3.iss1/128.137 fatcat:ipplfzky75eirb7miqdgr6q5ci