Mortality of Toxotrypana curvicauda (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Papayas Exposed to Forced Hot Air

Walter P. Gould
1996 Florida Entomologist  
A BSTRACT Papaya fruit fly, Toxotrypana curvicauda Gerstaecker, is a quarantined pest of papayas. Papayas with naturally occurring infestations of the papaya fruit fly were exposed to forced hot air at 48 ° C for 30 to 210 m. Forced hot air at 48 ° C provided 97% mortality of Papaya fruit fly immature stages in papayas treated for 60 min. Probit 9 mortality predicted that at least 167 min of treatment was needed, but probably would require that the center temperature of the coldest fruit reach
more » ... 6 ° C. This is the first quarantine treatment tested against the papaya fruit fly which is a major pest of papayas in Florida.
doi:10.2307/3495590 fatcat:4miui2x3cneoxfwgrna2tsrsfy