Incorporation of Target Specific Knowledge for Sentiment Analysis on Microblogging

2016 IEICE transactions on information and systems  
Sentiment analysis of microblogging has become an important classification task because a large amount of user-generated content is published on the Internet. In Twitter, it is common that a user expresses several sentiments in one tweet. Therefore, it is important to classify the polarity not of the whole tweet but of a specific target about which people express their opinions. Moreover, the performance of the machine learning approach greatly depends on the domain of the training data and it
more » ... s very time-consuming to manually annotate a large set of tweets for a specific domain. In this paper, we propose a method for sentiment classification at the target level by incorporating the on-target sentiment features and useraware features into the classifier trained automatically from the data created for the specific target. An add-on lexicon, extended target list, and competitor list are also constructed as knowledge sources for the sentiment analysis. None of the processes in the proposed framework require manual annotation. The results of our experiment show that our method is effective and improves on the performance of sentiment classification compared to the baselines. key words: sentiment analysis, machine learning, microblogging, sentiment lexicon, polarity of target
doi:10.1587/transinf.2015dap0021 fatcat:zfpqj6acuffwnk44afzmbojboy