Veränderung der gustatorischen und olfaktorischen Wahrnehmungsfähigkeit im Alter
Doris Neller
A lot of physiological changes, including changes of chemical senses, correlate with aging. The aim of the present study was to show these changes and to verify influences of illnesses, medication, dentures and a dry mouth on smell and taste. A further task was to find out possible effects on eating habits. 127 females and 24 males aged from 55 to 95 years (alltogether 151 subjects) participated in the study. The subjects were divided into four age groups (55-64 years, 65-74 years, 75-84 years,
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... >84 years) and due to their way of living (residents of a nursing home, people living in private households and participants of a training program for independency in later life, the SELBA-program). As a control group (49 subjects) 43 females and 6 males aged from 22 to 40 years (students and staff members of the institute of nutrition of the university of Vienna) were examined. The sense of smell was tested with screening 12 Sniffin' Sticks test from Burghart and the sense of taste was evaluated by recognition test for the four basic tastes according to DIN-standard 10961. In a quenstionary subjects were asked to sum up their own health status and smell and taste perception. Results show a reduction of smell and taste perception with aging. There was a significant difference (p < 0,001) in olfaction and gustation between all age groups of the investigated collective and the control group. The differences of smell perception were observed also among the investigated collective: The age groups 75 to 84 and >84-years differed significantly (p < 0,001) from the group aged 55 to 64-years and 65-74-years. The own rating of smell function correlated (p < 0,001; Cramer's V = 0,547) with the results of Sniffin' Sticks test. At the age of >84-years the recognition for the four basic taste at suprathreshold concentrations was significantly lower (p < 0,001) than in the other three age groups. For the subjects aged 75 to 84-years the recognition threshold for four basic tastes were significantly lower (p < 0,0 [...]