Effects Of Genre Based Approach (GBA) In EFL Reading Comprehension And Writing

Sindy Johana Montero-Arévalo
2019 GiST Education and Learning Research Journal  
The present paper puts under examination the effects of Genre Based Approach (GBA) on 9th grade students from a city in the Caribbean coast of Colombia. The study has the purpose of analyzing how GBA affects reading comprehension and writing. We implemented GBA for six sessions using instruments for data collection that included tests, questionnaires and interviews. The overall findings show that students' reading comprehension, writing, motivation and autonomy improve after the implementation
more » ... f GBA; as a result, the students were able to understand, explain and recreate the genres that were part of the study.
doi:10.26817/16925777.762 fatcat:swcbhkf5wzbizijilfrdb5dyoq